Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I have always had a mathematical mind. Numbers are streaming through my head all day every day and I am quite comfortable with that.

But recently, my life has become dictated by numbers. I have been doing little countdowns for everything. Two days left in the classroom. Eleven classes left to teach. 62 hours until my flight to Tokyo. One more load of laundry. Four more rides on the subway. Two more trips to Starbuck's...

In kind of an ironic twist of fate, I have also become totaly comfortable (finally) with Korean numbers. I feel as if I understand every number being said around me. I guess it's about time for me to figure out that system - and it is incredibly useful since I am leaving in two days.

I have had one number mishap though. The other day in class, I tried to say the number 18. It is roughly said, "shib-pal." Unfortunately, I said "shib-bal." I didn't really know there was a difference until there was a lot of giggling and I questioned whether I had said the wrong number. So I repeated myself and was met with more boisterous laughter. However, the kids all opened their books to the right page so I figured they were just laughing because I talk like such a dirty foreigner. I repeated this same number in the teachers lounge and was met with shocked faces, both Koreans and foreigners. Turns out, instead of saying "18," I was basically using a Korean slang version of the word "fuck." Oh well, I do what I can - and it's not like they can fire me with two days left.

My replacement shows up at noon tomorrow. I've got to show him the ropes and then it is adios. I know I will miss being here in a couple months, but for now, I'm counting down the minutes till I leave here...

Much love from Seoul


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