Sunday, February 24, 2008

I'm Not There (finally)

I don't live in Korea.

As I left the country, the lady at emigration asked me, "When do you plan on returning to Korea." And I answered, "Never," with a huge smile. The plane flew over Seoul and I could point out my neighborhood easily as well as lots of landmarks. It was weird to see the same thing I saw out of my window when I flew into Korea almost 18 months ago, but now I knew and understood everything I was looking at. I feel like I conquered Seoul and now it is time to move on.

I'm hanging in Tokyo. Today was bodacious. I took tons of pictures, but I somehow managed to leave my computer's power cord in Korea, so y'all might have to wait for me to be Stateside to see my pics.

Some highlights from today:

-Shopping for mesh hats and Gremlins sweatshirts at an outdoor flea market.

-Watching a wedding procession march through a Shinto temple, wearing full Kimono gear, with lots of pomp and circumstance and loud traditional drumming.

-Watching a crew of Greasers dressed like a 50's motorcycle gang twisting and shouting to rock and roll music in a park. They were pretty cool and just one of the many groups of people I saw expressing themselves - lots of self-expression in Tokyo.

-An unreal four-course dinner at a Japanese restaurant. The highlight of that meal was the shrimp and avocado tartar - unreal.

I've got lots more stories and pictures to share. I'll see you a lot of you in a few days...

Much love from TOKYO!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for you to come home and see everyone. I really wish I could make it to your party. We will definitely hang soon!

4:02 PM  

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