Friday, November 23, 2007

Gobble Gobble

Happy Turkey Day to all. It has now moved into the wee hours of Friday here, so although most of you have not sat down to your Thanksgiving dinners yet, in Korea we have already ventured into the biggest shopping day of the year.

For the second year in a row I celebrated Thanksgiving at an Outback in Seoul, Korea. Kind of weird that that has become routine for me. This year, unlike last year, I did not fly solo. An American friend of mine accompanied me after work and we had some nice big steaks and talked about how thankful we were that the workday was over. Not quite the same as enjoying a turkey dinner with the family and heading to the Plaza in the evening to brave the cold and the crowds to get that tingling sensation that a gazillion lights turning on can bring - but I was grateful to have someone to dine with.

The real excitement of today came this morning. I woke up early to listen the Jayhawks thrash Northern Arizona (44-10 at the half - are you kidding me?) and then I headed across town to the Western market in Hannam-Dong to pick up a turkey. I purchased a 20-pound turkey that I will attempt to smoke on my grill on Saturday. I made it work last year inside a bird cage, so I am pretty sure we can make it happen with a Weber this year. (There should be some good pics posted by Sunday)

The majority of my friends in Korea should all be collected around a table on Saturday evening as we enjoy wine, tryptophan and each others company. I am definitely looking forward to enjoying a little slice of Americana (and maybe pumpkin pie!) in Seoul this weekend.

I hope everyone has a beautiful day. Since we have entered Friday officially in Korea, I am now officially three months from leaving Korea - now there's something to be thankful for...

Much love from Seoul


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