Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Strippers With Benefits

I ventured to Itaewon with a few friends this weekend to check out what had been advertised as a "New Live Music Bar!" Apparently in this country, "New" means old, "Live" means loud and "Music Bar" denotes a place where shitty music is played. However, I think we can all agree that "New Live Music Bar" is much more appealing than "Old Loud Place Where Shitty Music is Played" - it definitely doesn't roll off the toungue as smoothly. As much as the band sucked, the bar was okay and it happened to be in a part of town I have been curious to visit: an area affectionately called Hooker Hill.

Hooker Hill isn't too flashy; it's surprisingly low-key. There are other bars, restaurants and convenience stores intermingled with other store fronts in which friendly females sit by the door smiling, hoping you will enter and have a drink. What nice girls. I was quite surprised by the area. I have heard stories of Hooker Hill, and I guess in my mind I had always pictured something similar to the neighborhood in Sin City where the prostitutes control the land with swords and the police dare not go. Instead, I found something much more similar to the situation in Full Metal Jacket where the ladies confront you in a non-chalant manner and offer to love you long time.

The girls all seemed genuinely interested in me. I haven't found the Korean ladies to be all that into big hairy white guys, but these girls saw something special in my pants (my wallet.) As most of you know, I am both polite and a gentleman so I went out of my way to allow some of them to come on to me. I played dumb and told them that indeed I did enjoy sex and had lots of money - and then promptly continued walking. I told one that I hoped to make a "sexy-time explosion inside her," but then walked away asking my buddies for "high five okay."

Many of the stores had their own Korean Hugh Hefner's. While one of my friends made a call on his cell phone, a man approached us wearing a silk robe and slippers and coyly smiled at us and pointed his eyes in the direction of an unattractive thirty-something standing in the doorway. Unfortunately for him, our answer we gave with our laughter was: not sober, not drunk, not even if it was free. Either way, it was great to see that Hugh has been such a solid role model for generations of Korean pimps.

Now I know the question that's on all of your minds (at least Tom's) is "Did you?" The answer is no - and I don't really plan on it. Maybe after I've been here longer and become a little more like Kim Jong Il ("I'm so ronery") I might make the trek, but for now, it seems a little bit too weird to pay for it. There's enough people in this city that it seems like I should be able to find somebody to sleep with me without an exchange of currency. And if that doesn't work, there's always the internet to keep me busy...

Love from Seoul


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