Beer-Can Seoul Style
Today could not have turned out better. I woke up to listen to the 'Hawks game on the radio, and found that the website I have paid to offer me up a radio feed is also offering. a video feed for the preseason games. Not only did I get to listen to the game, but it was also synched up with a video feed straight from Allen Field House. Good shit.
My struggle to cook beer-can chickens for dinner lasted all day, but ended up more successfully than I ever could have hoped. The contraption that you are looking at above is a MacGyver-esque piece of barbecue fantasy that could only be put together in Korea. The base of the grill is a small half barrel bought at the grocery store down the street. I don't think people buy their grills very often. The packed grocer had three grills stacked on top of eachother and the top grill was filled with fly swatters and hangers - I almost missed it. We also bought a grilling rack which you can see sticking out from underneath the cover. The cover is the top of a bird cage I bought in the market by the school I work at. I got some crazy looks from people on the subway while I was holding a large, empty bird cage. The top of the bird cage is surrounded with aluminium foil (I found it quite apropos to use a bird cage to house my beer-can chickens.) With a little foil to fill the holes in the spaces between the lid and the grill, the whole cooking device worked perfectly. The chickens were insanely good and made me feel like I wasn't living in a country full of rice and bean paste.
As if life could not get any better, the mix I've been trying to post on iTunes has finally been posted. They initially had some problems with me mentioning the name of the Ween song, "Let Me Lick Your Pussy," but after I removed that title, it has been published after a few different tries. The funny thing is they have labeled "Where'd the Cheese Go" by Ween as explicit while not labeling the less offensive "L.M.L.Y.P." explicit, even though the lyrics are so dirty they make the new Screech porno look clean.
Go to itunes, click on Music along the left panel, then click iMix and enter Seoul double-I (really "Seoul II"). It's a tasty mix of funky grooves sure to delight.
Love from Seoul
I love ya Kyle. You totally crack me up with your empty bird cage on the subway. Glad you had a fantastic day yesterday. I will definitely be downloading your new tunes. I miss acquiring a new Kyle mix everytime I see you. Miss you tons. Keep exploring for all of us who are temporarily stuck in the Midwest. Love, Mel
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